Life Is Not a Dress Rehearsal

Happy New Year!

Earlier this month my grandma, one of the most special people in my life, passed away at the age of 96. Even though she was almost 97 years old, it was still a shock to hear that she was gone. I was filled with a combination of sadness (knowing that I would never again receive one of her big hugs) and gratitude that I was so blessed to have this amazing woman in my life for almost 50 years! 

When we are faced with losing someone close to us, it is a good opportunity to remind us just how precious life really is. We need to remember that life is not a dress rehearsal and that our time is the most valuable resource we have. Each day we wake up we are given the gift of 1440 minutes and at the end of the day all those moments are gone (forever).

I think children are great at living in the moment, but sometimes as adults as we get caught up in the responsibilities and worries of daily life and as a result often find it difficult to live fully in the here and now. That’s why I am so grateful for the mindfulness teachings and my regular meditation practice, because they help me to live more in the present moment. 

As you can see by this photo above of my Grandma and I that was taken at my wedding when she was 92, she knew how to live in and enjoy the present moment. However, what I also learned from my Grandma is that it isn’t just about how much we enjoy each day of our lives, but it's also important to consider what kind of positive impact we are having on the lives of people around us.

When Grandma and I talked about death this Summer she told me that when she died she hoped that people would remember her for the love and kindness she shared. As I started to gather information from family and friends for my Grandma’s eulogy, it became very clear that love and kindness was indeed the legacy that she was leaving behind. 

It was incredible how many people’s lives she touched in a positive and loving way. My cousin Deb summed it up best when she said, “The world is a better place, because of having Grandma in it”.

My wish for you is that 2018 is a year where you slow down a bit, live more in the present moment and carry on my Grandma’s legacy of spreading more love and kindness to everyone around you. 

I invite you to begin each day in 2018 with this mantra from my Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh… “Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.”

If you want to learn how to live more in the present moment in 2018 then I invite you to check out my Balance Quest website all of my upcoming mindfulness retreats and classes. 
Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year! 

Until next time...
Be mindful and happy,


PS. Share if inspired.